Viewing entries tagged
Prop N Go

Winter Harvest

With 2014 almost at an end, we wanted to provide a few updates on Padded Spaces.

  1. Prop 'n Go Slim and iBedside are available in more colors and patterns than ever before and are now available at Amazon US, Canada, and Europe with free shipping. All other countries can order via Paypal.
  2. Prop 'n Go Lite, Regular, and All-in-one are being discontinued from further production. This was a hard decision, but given the popularity of the Slim version, we wanted to focus all effort on making it the best possible.
  3. Keep an eye on Christmas shipping deadlines. Here are Amazon US, CA, and UK cut off dates. See below or the Purchase page for Amazon and Paypal shipping times.
  4. iBedside has been featured in a number of cool locations. See it on TV here. Read a fantastic Italian review here, if you know Italian that is.

Make sure to get your Prop 'n Go before Santa comes down the chimney.

United States: 
From - Order by 12/22 (1 p.m. PST) for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. 
From - View ordering deadlines

From - Order by 12/19 for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. 
From Amazon Europe - View ordering deadlines

From - Order by 12/19 for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. 
From Amazon Canada - View ordering deadlines

From - Order by 12/14 for guaranteed delivery before Christmas.

O Canada

Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. (John F. Kennedy, Address to Canadian Parliament, 1961)

And now Amazon Canada makes us free shipping traders.


Surf's Up

Microsoft Surface RT is out. It is a fun Windows 8 tablet with unique features like a built-in kickstand and optional Touch Cover keyboard.

We've tested and found that it works great with Prop 'n Go, both in landscape and portrait orientation at all 14 angles. You can even turn Prop 'n Go around and use Surface with the keyboard cover. Prop 'n Go makes it comfortable to use Surface in bed and on the couch.


Feeling fancy?

Have you heard of Fancy? It's a neat new site that like Pinterest has collections of cool products and things. Unlike Pinterest, you can buy items directly from the site.

Today we launched a special Fancy store. Check it out. "Fancy" Prop 'n Go and unlock exclusive deals and discounts.

Thanks. Merci. Mahalo. And more.

It's been a little over a week since Prop 'n Go was released to the world. The response from our community has been massive. Thanks and hello to our new customers. :)

First Prop 'n Go was reviewed by Mel Martin at The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW). Mel liked Prop 'n Go so much he calls it, "the premier case/stand to use with an iPad around the house" and "a well thought-out product that is going to make a lot of people happy who have been frustrated by other solutions". Thanks Mel and TUAW.

Next it was featured around the globe at by Jcsatanas. Our favorite (albeit translated) quote is, "Padded Spaces thought of you by creating the Prop 'n Go". Merci VIPad.

Lastly, Prop 'n Go is now in-stock at For a fantastic buying experience and discounted shipping, check out Amazon.

And one more thing, we've updated our shipping settings to allow worldwide ordering and even cheaper priority shipping.

Happy Apple WWDC next week.

A big day.

After nearly a year in the making, tonight we released Prop 'n Go. A truly one-of-a-kind tablet lap stand. In case you missed it, we streamed the event live on for all the world to witness together. Lots of great questions and feedback are already streaming in. First, what is Prop 'n Go? It is an all-in-one lap stand featuring 1-finger angle adjuster. Unlike the competition, Prop 'n Go can be positioned in 14 hands-free configurations, while remaining rock-solid. Type or press as hard as you want, Prop 'n Go won't budge. Also included are 2 super gripper strips. These keep your device from slipping around. Next we have added a padded storage compartment to hold both devices and accessories. But wait, there is more...